Best and Most Popular! Attractions Senggigi Beach in Lombok Island


Best and Most Popular! Attractions Senggigi Beach in Lombok IslandLombok is one of the islands that are quite popular with many white sandy beach travel is still very natural with a very beautiful panorama. So it is not uncommon Lombok island is to serve as a destination attraction for the tourists favorite domestic or foreign. In fact, sometimes, the tourists took to cross to the island when they visit Bali. One of the most popular beaches on the island of Lombok is Senggigi beach. Although size is not as big as Kuta beach in Bali, but many tourists who say bahwasannya atmofer presented in Senggigi Beach Lombok is almost the same as Bali Kuta beach.Attraction interesting activities in Senggigi Beach LombokThe sea water is presented Lombok Senggigi beach is very clear, so you can still see the beautiful sea creatures that were swimming freely. Waves on the beach is also not too big, so you can still swim and play on the high seas along with friends, family, or spouse Anda.Yang most interesting here is the presence of coral reefs and marine life is also very diverse and beautiful. If you want to get a closer look please try snorkeling in Senggigi Beach Lombok.Spend time with friends, family or your partner on the shoreline of Senggigi at twilight mulau down will be the happiest thing, you here also can chat rua while eating roasted corn and coconut ice being sold in stalls near Senggigi beach. Due panorama at dusk here very spectacular, we recommend that you do not forget to bring your camera to capture the moment.So before we can informaskan to you all, about Senggigi tourist beach on the island of Lombok. Hopefully the above information can be useful and inspire you travel on weekends later, yes!

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