Attractions Unique Coastal Waterfall Nambung with Asin in Lombok


Attractions Unique Coastal Waterfall Nambung with Asin in LombokNambung beach is in the southern part of the island of Lombok, precisely bordering the Indian Ocean. Nambung beach is called by the name Tanjung Jagog. Nambung beach has big waves and rolled and filled with high coral rock. The blow of the waves coming on the rock became visible like a waterfall. This place is often used as surfing. However, if used as a place to swim or snorkel unsafe. But the beach is populated by a lot of big fish berikuran and monsters. So it is often used as a destination for fishing and catching fish. Nambung beach with Waterfall Asin is a beach that has big waves followed by a decline in sea water ditebing coral and rocks as high as 10 meters.What is the attraction of Turkish Nambung with Waterfall Asin?As for the beauty contained in this beach coast dalah has white sandy beaches such as pepper. With the beauty of blue sea and mountain views dipinggirnya, this beach is classified as a new Lombok travel. As long as you take to the roads leading to the beach Nambung, you'll be treated to the beauty of the beach that the right side of the road. When you travel from the Gulf to the coast Sepi Nambung rather quiet, but do not worry because this area is quite safe. Although the hills and filled with the type of Mangrove trees. Once up the hill nanjak around the corner, there are a nameplate that reads Nambung Beach. You are using private vehicles could memakirnya at a designated place or it could be parked at the home of locals.Nambung beach resort area of ​​the residential population of approximately 500 meters of white sand and rocks combing the beach. When you get past the rocks please be careful because of slick and a little bit sharper. If you're not sure, you can ask for help on a fisherman who lived close to the location of the waterfall salty.That last bit of information we can provide to you all about Attractions Unique Coastal Waterfall Nambung with Asin in Lombok. Hope can inspire your vacation time at the end of the week.

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